OK so now that I've gone through the process of grasshoppers hunting, I shall share it to you guys. The reason is because... we are morianz!
you should look for..
The most important element for grasshoppers to sustain it's life is... Bushes of course. Well, there are a few thing you people should pay attention on, which is
a) bushes that is not overgrown
b) bushes with it's leafs bitten or eaten from the edge, instead of holes in the middle of the leaf
c) grasshoppers somehow like Hibiscus plants
d) bushes where there's no bird hunting for them
e) not the quietest of places, or perhaps i should say noise is not a factor of their habitat
Grasshoppers, as we had observed, prefers sunlight
That's all i can say about grasshoppers. But please bear in mind that..
There's no bilogical or proven scientific fact supporting the above statement(s)